A caring guide on your journey through life

Need help navigating the conflicting advice on the food you should put in your body? Seeking to establish healthy work-life relationship with your boss? Need a partner to help practice authentic communication skills? Self-compassion sometimes means making difficult choices and sticking with them until they become part of us. I’m here to help guide you through those choices and stick by your side while you do the hard work.

What is Coaching?

Working with a coach can help you establish healthy habits, set personal boundaries, and improve emotional regulation by first understanding your motivation behind wanting such things in your life. Wellness Coaches partner with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Through this relationship, I can help you understand your strengths and strongly held beliefs, set a vision for the future, craft goals, and be there along your side as you overcome any obstacles in meeting them.


Initial Consultation

A no-cost chance to get to know each other and to better understand what you want to work on.

No-Cost / 45-minute one-on-one introduction

3-Month Package

Looking for to establish healthy habits, get support to keep on track, and make overall long-lasting change? This discounted plan offers your own unique coaching plan to get you to your goals over the course of three months.

This is the recommended option and offers a 50% discount compared to individual sessions!

$300 / 12 one-on-one meetings, a customized coaching plan, vision and goal setting, and additional support as best suits you.

Individual Sessions

Weird email from your boss gives you night sweats? Looking for nutrition support while traveling to Branson? Sometimes you just need someone to hear you out and get you through an intense time or work through a tough situation.

Schedule a one-on-one call with me to get support on working out that mental knot, or just figuring out the eternal mysteries of non-soluble fiber.

$50 / 45-minute one-on-one session

Areas of expertise


I believe that to achieve holistic personal wellness, each component cannot exist in a vacuum, sustainable results cannot be purchased, and that mindfulness and day-to-day perseverance lead to long-lasting and fulfilling change.

Each of our bodies and minds are unique, and figuring out how they work and how to keep them well running is a challenge everyone must face. I love working with clients to make the discoveries and changes in their physical and mental wellness that allow them to live rich, fulfilling lives, whatever that means to them.

Specialization in: nutrition, anxiety and stress management, thriving with ADHD, interpersonal relationships, mindful living, self-care, and self-compassion.


Messaging from our culture has taught us that our success in our careers and the effort we put into them equates to our value as a person. I instead believe that our work exists solely to support the life we want to live and the people we want to be. I strive to help people figure out what they need our of their careers, equip themselves with the skills to achieve that, and whenever possible, be able to set that work aside to experience everything else the world has to offer.

I focus my practice on: occupational stress, burnout, and work-life balance; communication in the workplace; career pathing; decision making: management and leadership skills; and neurodivergence in the workplace.